Sunday, June 20, 2010

17 June, Ruin But Saved...

A day before, plans were made to surprise Nelu on her birthday on 17th...
The plan was to be right outside her house at 9am with cake & "SURPRISE"

17 June:
*woke up*
*finding my phone*
*look around*
*on my phone(coz it's off )*
Damn it!!
*call Mao*

Damm sorry Nelu!!!!
Wasn't suppose to be this way!!

Later I ask them out to Queensbay so that I can make up to it...
Planning to treat them something...

Met them, said lots of sorry, hope it's enough...
Thank you all for being patience and not angry at me...

Anyway, went walking around QB, watched a demo of 3D TV, while waiting for Terence's break..
Was lack of something at that time...
Bring Nelu buy her a cake.. But in the end, we ended up with tarts...

Terence later join at Subway....
After lunch, went for a walk then went home...


Birthday Tarts

Cream on her face, by Mao


In Nichii

T & M

T & C

Biggest Gum I ate

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last Day --- Touched

15th June 2010....
My last day of work in Jusco..
Was working there since mid December last year..

I worked a few counter & met lots of frends, BUT this is special...
When I first step in Charles Jourdan (in March), I was bored to death...
No one to talk to, nothing to do, no business....true boringness...

Beside my counter was this weired old lady, Suan...*dont talk about her*
Anyway, she's fine when quiet..

Later this Malay lady came talk to me...
From Jeep counter, Ina..
Since then, we became good friends..we talk everyday, a lot..

My rotate, Nee..met her on the first week of work..
Altough we couldn't meet up later on, we contact by leaving small notes on the table..

Then Snails rotate promoter showed up, her name is Sim..
She's a cute to chat with her..

Then came in Zarul (Austin Reed) , Adi (VR>Hush Pippies>Padini) & Mi (Bonia)..
The ever insomnia Zarul..we talk a lot too...
Adi was a little 'here & there'..
Mi, quiet & a little blur too...

Then this emo guy appeared...Jeep part time,Randy..
When u get to know him, LoL...

Later I get to meet 2 ladies from my other side of my counter..
Valentino Rudy- Fatin & Pierre Balmain- Imah....I never knew they were so friendly...
I taught them how to speak simple Mandrin - it was fun!!

Behind my counter was SWW (mini arcade) where I met Shima & Dayah..
Both Jusco staff, introduced by Ina..

Later this MJ join the group..Yeong the new Snails' part time...
Talk a lot too, likes singing just like me...

Then the new Austin Reed permanent came, Judy...
She's an experience lady...

We were all, can be said the New Men Concess Family...


Today my last day, I was a bit sad & happy...
Leaving the counter I set up and organised for the past 3 and a half months wasn't easy..
There were friendship, laughter and hell lot of 'lari counter'...

What can I say, leaving a place you work 8hours a day, 6 days a week, with a bunch of crack head friends???

I even joined the 3Y group!!

I bought some pastries for my 'family' and also friends in my previous counter...
To my surprise, they all gave me presents!!!
Some already gave me hints, but others was a surprise!! *touched*
Sudden gifts were given sincerely even it's just a piece of chocolate wafer, I can feel it!!

Wan & I

Ina & I

Yew Fong & I

Mi & I

Sim Sis & I

~My Counter~

ii!! My Gifts !!ii

From Ina - I'll remember this for life!!!
She kept saying that I'll remember this forever...

From Fatin- Really Touched!!
I was joking with her one day that I was going to be studying, so buy me this pencil box..
TRULY Touched when was opening the packaging, she took it seriously!!

Up to Down - Randy, Mi & Judy

From Dayah
