Time for preparation for the upcoming celebration!
Before that, I would like to express my love towards my College/Hospital:
[ Lam Wah Ee Hospital ]
Really.... I mean, who gets a visit to a lab & CSSD dept. during a nursing diploma course???Frankly, not much do, and I appreciate it!!
Then today, I was suppose to watch Paranormal 2 at Prangin but ended up watching this 'was-suppose-to-be-a-horror-movie' movie and it was rated as 18+ movie and end up to be a Comedy/Thriller...

I mean, look at the poster..
Looks convincing with the rate 18+, but it's just a comedy...
Anyway, it was funny & enjoyed it...
Watched with Ling Min, Pei Chen & Kim..
CNY is really near, so, looking foward!!!