Monday, October 19, 2009

Deeeeepavali !!

So as usual, Deepavali was a great day..
But this year is a little 'lack'..

Following tradition of previous years, first house is to Shini..
Everyone was there just like last year..
Took pics, talk nonsense...
Then someone decide to leave...

It's ok..
Next house to Nim's..
Ate rice then back to shini's house coz other friends just arrive - Nik & Zikin..

Well after the two went back we went to Mao's house..
Dissapointingly, no chapatti.. Her mom make the best chapatti with the best curry... *YUM*
Nevertheless, the rice and spicy chicken was great!!

After that we march our way to Aunt Rukumani's house..
We were so happy to meet her..
But the atmosphere isn't the same without some guys which we all can make noise together..
She wanted to prepare rice for us but all of us say to her that we are too full..
In the end we just sit on the couch and enjoy some cookies..
Aunt Rukumani is so good, she gave us RM10 ang pau.. *Touching*

Later, we plan to go back..
Unexpectedly, Vegenie called..
So, last station, Vegenie's..
We were so full at that time, but her grandma insist us to eat..
So I had a little..
When I almost finished my rice, her grandma adds more rice..
So, I quickly finished the rice and a piece of fried chicken.. *Plate empty*
Before I can finish my chicken, her grandma puts another piece of chicken on my plate..
So full......

Lastly Anas take me back..

Thanks To All Who Invited Me !!

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